3D Sketching on FormIt Web
by FormIt team, 18 September 2014
Workplanes, who needs 'em!?! With this new update there is no longer a need to define a workplane or surface on which to place or draw your shapes. The new 3D sketching tools available allow you to draw naturally and place points aligned with the X, Y, or Z axis...conveniently color with Red, Green and Blue respectively - and then Purple for parallel. In this video I demonstrate how to:
Import a satellite and CAD plan image and set transparency on them.
Rotate the drawing grid to match the satellite image and CAD plan image.
Sketch with new snapping features.
Inference snaps and shift locking.
Selection of faces versus the whole shape.
Drag to extrude faces and inference snaps to other faces.
Using the line tool as a measure tool.
This is the first in a series of videos covering the range of available features in the newest update of FormIt.