A dispatch from Arizona - RTCNA 2016
by FormIt team, 25 July 2016
We just returned back from a very HOT and very busy week at the Revit Techology Conference in Scottsdale, AZ. It was great to connect with many of our early adopter "FormIteers" and spread the knowledge to many more new "recruits". In addition to speaking with a lot of you at our booth, we also ran a whole day workshop on the day before RTC began. The workshop included five customers and two resellers sharing case studies and tips and tricks. We will be highlighting the content from these folks starting with **Jarod Schultz**from initialAEC and Kimberly Fuhrman from LSC Design. The second half of the day was an end-to-end getting started tutorial where everyone built and analyzed the historic Farnsworth House! We also ran a two-session RTC lab on Friday entitled:*FormIt 360 The Heart of a Generative Conceptual Design Workflow.*This lab focused on a more advanced workflow where we showed how web-based Dynamo scripts can be imported, flexed and analyzed with FormIt 360 and Insight 360. Both of these great tutorials are now available in our FormIt Primer. Good stuff!