A major update to FormIt Web and iOS
by FormIt team, 4 September 2014
We are happy to announce a new version of FormIt Web beta (http://beta.autodeskformit.com) and FormIt for iOS. The entire team has been firing on all cylinders this summer to prepare for the biggest update we have ever had. This new version represents a major re-thinking of how you create and modify objects in FormIt. The list of new features is after the break.
NCAR Building by I.M. Pei - modeled in the new version of FormIt Web
3D Snapping! You are now no longer constrained to sketching in one plane
Move objects more accurately by first selecting the point you wish to snap with
Sketch Lines with local and global axis alignments and snapping options
Select and modify individual vertices – on both 2D lines and 3D objects
Double tap now selects an entire object. Single tap selects faces, edges
New context menu tools: Tilt face and Offset face
Completely new help system
Sketch a circle
Snap to levels when sketching or dragging face
Android updates coming soon!
Here is a video overview
and another video outlining what's changed in the iOS version