Another great FormIt 360 Update
by FormIt team, 23 July 2015
Just in time for Revit Technology Conference - North America, the FormIt 360 team has yet another great update to the product! You may have also noticed that our website has gotten a face-lift. Here is a run-down of the recent changes to the app:
First off, just take a moment to look at how beautiful FormIt 360 looks now: Our graphics wizards have been hard at work to make FormIt 360 look great right on the screen. We now support 2X "retina" style displays on desktop machines. You can also independently control the weight of edges and silhouette edges.
Axes and Work Planes
Instead of just rotating the grid on the ground plane, you can now move and rotate the world axes to change the origin point and to create 3D work planes. The work plane will stretch out to infinity and provide a plane to sketch on without snapping or inferencing to elements behind it. The main sketch and individual groups have independent axes and coordinate systems - allowing for maximum flexibility. Here is a quick video demo:
Unique Scale for each Group Instance
You can now scale any group instance and maintain the geometric relationship between different instances of the group even though they are different sizes. The scaling also translates to Revit!
Unique Materials for each Group Instance
You now have a quick way to differentiate one group instances from others by painting with a material (if there is not yet a material defined for faces inside the group). This is useful for displaying an instance differently from other instances. The new Material user interface also allows you to manage and apply materials between groups. Here is a quick video demo:
And last, but surely not least, we have updated our FormIt 360 Converter add-in for Revit. It now:
Converts scaled and rotated group instances by creating a new family type.
Handles offset in z direction by automatically creating levels in Revit
Creates mass floors for nested mass instances