April 2017 FormIt Friday with EvolveLab
by FormIt team, 11 April 2017
For our first of two April FormIt Fridays, we were really excited to invite guests Bill Allen (@Bill_Allen_21) and John Pierson (@60SecondRevit) from the Boulder based BIM consultancy EvolveLab. We set Bill and John loose with some of our newest tools and services. Namely, publishing cloud-based Dynamo scripts that can be viewed on the web, modified in FormIt and massively optioneered in Project Fractal. They may have gone a little TOO massive with their design options, but then again, we asked them to push the system (which is still in the Alpha phase.) Check out the highlights:
01:53 - Who is EvolveLab?
03:36 - Bill's Form Finding Dynamo
Here is a link to the DYN, RFA, and RVT files that Bill worked with
20:11 - John's repeatable panels
Here is a link to the other RFA and DYN files that John worked with
28:55 - Creating Options in Fractal
34:47 - Images to create patterns
43:57 - Slats from a surface
55:06 - A sneak peak at the next release of FormIt
...or Watch the full video below