BIM Enabled Conceptual Design
by FormIt team, 19 June 2013
My flight from Boston to Denver just landed. I am psyched to be attending the AIA conference and expo for the first time. Our team at Autodesk has some great new releases and exciting news about what is to come. We are delivering a variety of conceptual design tools that enable the creation of early design ideas supported by BIM. These tools:
Support a seamless transition between conceptual design and schematic design
Empower designers to make better decisions at the earliest stages of design
Enable designers to work with fluid, flexible tools wherever ideas strike.
FORMIT As many of you know, back in November we released FormIt - the first 3D conceptual design app for mobile devices that enables designers to experience a continuous BIM workflow, from conceptual to completion. It helps users conceptualize, analyze, and present early designs on your iPad, anytime, anywhere ideas may strike. We are excited to announce that a new version of FormIt is available on the Apple App Store today. And you may notice something new in that video around 00:20. That's right. We are working on getting FormIt working in a web browser with no plugins. We are moving fast. More to come soon. DYNAMO Dynamo is a visual programming environment that has been built to extend the possibilities of parametric Building Information Modeling. The parametric capabilities of Revit and Vasari are extended with the data and logic environment of a graphical algorithm editor. Dynamo is free (as in speech AND beer) and open source. Try Dynamo today by downloading here****. And if you code, you can contribute to the Dynamo GitHub. VASARI Last but not least we have also just released an updated beta of Vasari based on Revit 2014, runs on Windows 8 and has a proper installer... Whew! I know, a lot to process. So get to downloading! If you are attending AIA, please stop by the Autodesk booth for some cool demos and schwag. If not, follow me on Twitter @TomVollaro