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FormIt 2023.1 is Now Available

by FormIt Team, 16 November 2022

Happy fall, FormIt fans!

We're happy to announce the availability of FormIt 2023.1, which addresses issues and adds a few small goodies we think you'll enjoy.

We'll cover the main highlights below, but feel free to take a look at the complete list of changes and improvements for each FormIt platform: WindowsWeb, and iPadOS.

You can also skip right to downloading the update now for Windows (also available via the Autodesk Desktop App), Web, and iPadOS.

Let's go!

Edit Arcs, Circles, and Splines

If you've ever drawn an arc, circle, or spline, and later wanted to adjust their parameters, this release is for you!

It's now possible to modify existing curves, including the radius and normal of a circle, the radius, normal, and extents of an arc, and the control points of a spline.

Edit an existing circle with FormIt
Edit an existing arc with FormIt
Edit an existing spline with FormIt

New Tools

Boolean Intersect

You can now generate the intersection between two solids using a new Intersect Geometry tool:

Get the intersection between two solids

Place Vertex

We now offer a dedicated tool to place a vertex in the scene, either as a standalone base point for reference or to quickly split an edge:

Place a vertex in the scene

FormIt + Revit

The FormIt + Revit connection gets a bit of a boost with this release. (FormIt for Windows only)

Camera Syncing

You can now optionally synchronize the camera between FormIt and Revit.

Note that we've got some known issues when Revit is in orthographic mode, but this should work nicely when Revit is in perspective mode.

Optionally synchronize the FormIt camera with Revit

Location Syncing

When launching FormIt from Revit via the 3D Sketch button, FormIt will now automatically use Revit's location as its set location.

FormIt's location will now by synchronized with Revit when launched via 3D Sketch

Better Linework Support

If an imported DWG is selected in Revit when 3D Sketch is invoked, the linework will appear much more reliably in FormIt now:

Better linework support from Revit to FormIt

New Parameters in Properties Palette

The Properties palette has been updated to surface new editable parameters based on the selected geometry. (FormIt for Windows only)

Edge Length

Select an edge and modify its length from the Properties palette without manually changing its geometry in the canvas.

New length values will modify the edge from its midpoint.

Edit an edge length from the Properties palette

Face Area

Select a face and modify its area from the Properties palette without manually changing its geometry in the canvas.

New area values will modify the face from its centroid.

Edit a face area from the Properties palette

Vertex Location

Select a vertex and modify its XYZ values from the Properties palette without manually changing its geometry in the canvas.

Edit a face area from the Properties palette

Show and Hide All Palettes

By popular demand, we've added the ability to show and hide all palettes at once. (FormIt for Windows only)

Show or hide all palettes

Other Improvements

As usual, we strive to include a host of smaller improvements with each release:

Content Placement Tool

When placing content from the Content Library or Dynamo, hovering over an edge will now keep the object's orientation matching whichever face your cursor is closest to, instead of always aligning along the edge.

Improved content placement experience

Sketching on Terrain

When using sketching tools on terrain, we've made a number of improvements:

Sketching tools will lock to an implicit XY plane defined by the first point, so that any loops created will generate a planar face:

Implied plane when sketching on terrain

Sketching tools will no longer snap to hidden vertices on terrain:

No snapping to hidden vertices when sketching on terrain

Content placement tools will keep content Z-up when hovering over terrain:

Content remains Z-up on terrain during placement

Section Plane Cut Effects

When placing or moving a Section Plane, the cut effect now appears in real-time, instead of being deferred until after the move operation is complete.

Improved content placement experience

Bug Fixes

As with all of our releases, we try to address a healthy spread of bugs and undesirable behavior.

Take a look at the full list of fixes in the release notes for WindowsWeb, and iPadOS.

Up Next

Love what you see? Have something you want us to know? Feel free to post on the FormIt forums with questions or comments or on the IdeaStation for feature requests.

Stay tuned for more updates in the spring! Until then, be well.

The FormIt Team