FormIt at Autodesk University 2014 - a recap
by FormIt team, 8 December 2014
Well, another Autodesk University has come and gone. The FormIt team had a wonderful time interacting with our users and attracting some new ones! Here were some of the highlights:
We moderated a full-capacity panel discussion with three amazing speakers. It is always great to have passionate users tell the story of your product! The video has been posted and is available on the Autodesk University website.
We launched an updated version of FormIt for iOS and FormIt for web that includes our revolutionary real-time collaboration system.
We launched a re-design of our website, that includes a public gallery where you can share images of your FormIt work and interact with other users! Go check it out and post some of your best images!
We demoed. We demoed. and when our voices let out, we demoed some more (hey, who needs to talk, FormIt practically demos itself!)
And most important of all, we met so many of our passionate users! You never fail to inspire us! We look forward to next year (that is, once we have had a year to recover!)
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