FormIt at RTC and AIA 2014
by FormIt team, 13 June 2014
The FormIt team will be attending the upcoming architectural conferences in Chicago! Check us out at RTC - Scott D. Davis will be presenting (with some remote collaboration from Tobias Hathorn) a sneak peek at the next evolution of FormIt. The class is scheduled as part of Session 15 on Saturday, June 21st at 2:30. Check out the class description here: LINK ...then... Check us out at AIA - Tom Vollaro and Lilli Smith will be presenting a BIM-based Conceptual Design workflow using Formit. This session is already sold out! Read about it here: LINK. You can track down the team to learn more about FormIt before or after the session at the booth 2266. Look for us at the Autodesk booth ! Happy #FormItFriday the 13th!