Introducing FormIt 360 Pro
by FormIt team, 14 May 2015
During the life cycle of a product there are always pivotal milestones: those first shaky prototypes, the first alpha and then beta launches, the first "official" launch, reaching your first X number of downloads/users, etc. Today is one of those pivotal days for FormIt 360. **Today FormIt 360 grows up and goes pro!**While the core modeling tool on web, iOS and Android that you have come to know and love will remain FREE, we now offer an extra subscription that you can purchase directly from the Autodesk Store. You can also start a 30 day trial from inside the Web or Android apps. So what do you get with the FormIt 360 Pro Subscription?
Solar Analysis. Analyze your design for monthly peak or yearly cumulative solar impact with exact values displayed directly on the surfaces of your model. Available on all platforms.
Energy analysis. You can analyze, report, and compare your design's energy and cost factors - all with a ASHRAE 90.1 compliant energy model created for you in the cloud. See this blog post for more info. Available on Web and iOS only.
**Real-time Collaboration.**The real-time collaboration system that we we have been beta testing for the past few months has been greatly improved. Send your teammates - or even your client - a link and start collaborating! Available on Web and iOS only.
And there is so much more just inside the newly updated FREE FormIt 360. See here for more about the other free features.