January 2017 FormIt Friday
by FormIt team, 12 January 2017
Welcome to 2017. The FormIt team is kicking off the New Year right by inviting an international superstar to share his FormIt work with you.
FormIt Friday will occur on THURSDAY January 19th (in the US) so we can spotlight Sam Macalister, a resident of Sydney, Australia - where it will already be Friday! Sam will be talking with us from the future. Does that sentence make sense? Yes it kind of does.
We were blown away by Sam's class at Autodesk University 2016 where he built, detailed, rendered and animated Tadao Ando's Church of Light using FormIt, Max, and Infraworks. Sam will reprise that class for all. Not to be missed...
- here's a link to the AU 2016 class posted online with video, handout and description
We've been a fan of Sam's for awhile as he is an Autodesk elite expert - capable of connecting workflows between various products. If you want to know what it takes to be elite, here's evidence / proof / confirmation / eye candy:
Sam's Behance Portfolio - LINK
Louis Kahn's Salk Institute in FormIt - LINK
Barcelona Pavillion in FormIt - LINK
Video showcasing Modeling in FormIt then Rendering in Revit - LINK
See you on Thursday / Friday depending on your time zone! Where you'll learn how to do this... wow.