Our biggest release yet for Android
by FormIt team, 12 February 2015
Many of our Android users have been waiting a long time for FormIt to catch up to the functionality on the iOS and Web versions. Your wait is over! Today marks the biggest update we have ever had since launching the Android version in 2013. This short video shows the highlights and the full feature list is below. Check it out on Google Play. Please join us at our new support forum and let us know how things are going. Also visit our new home at http://formit.autodesk.com and post some images in our new public Gallery!
Full support for Android Lollipop
A completely revised 3D sketching and snapping system!
You are now no longer constrained to sketching in one plane.
Use other objects in the scene as snap references when drawing and modifying
Snap to levels when sketching or dragging face
Move objects more accurately by first selecting the point you wish to snap with
Sketch Lines with local and global axis alignments and snapping options
Sketch lines can live in the scene without being part of a closed shape
Select and modify individual vertices – on both 2D lines and 3D objects
Select and modify multiple faces at once
Double tap now selects an entire object. Single tap selects faces, edges
New tools:
Rotate tool has been completely redesigned to allow snapping and manual entry of degrees
Sketch a circle
Offset the lines of a face
Review historical climate data based on the project location
Note: Changing an existing material bitmap is currently disabled. We are working hard on a fix. In the mean time, you can still create new materials with new bitmaps.