Prepare for FormIt v9!
by FormIt team, 24 February 2015
Hello FormIteers! As we prepare for our massive v9 release (Seriously. Our web and iOS apps have drastically evolved since v8 when we introduced collaboration) we wanted to tell you about one change that we are pushing live this week. Our FormIt to Revit conversion is now using the Revit 2015 API! This change increases the success rate on conversions (to roughly 100%!); supports the creation of Revit native splines and arcs; and is necessary to support the new features (about to be announced) in v9... The reason we're telling you about this ahead of time... your FormIt to Revit conversions will now result in .rvt files that *can only be opened in Revit 2015 (and 2016 when it arrives).*If this becomes a problem for your FormIt workflow, here are a couple of things to consider:
If you are using the iOS version, you will be able to create an SAT file and import that SAT file into older versions of Revit
Revit is available as a free 30 day trial for professionals
If you have questions or comments, please leave them on our new Support Forum. Check back soon for the announcement of our v9 release!