Tony Caputo on FormIt Friday episode 7
by FormIt team, 21 September 2015
This past Friday, we had the pleasure of hosting Tony Caputo, Principal at Array Architects for our FormIt Friday webinar series. Tony is one of our early adopters, a great speaker and all-around great guy. He re-presented his talk from the 2015 North American Revit Techology Conference: The Early Stages – Concept Design through Schematic Team Workflows and Inference Analysis. If you are wondering how to integrate FormIt 360 into a mature BIM workflow - this is a must-watch!
Course Description: This session outlines and demonstrates how a design team uses Autodesk Formit and Revit, in the real world on active projects, for conceptual design and analysis and how it helps amplify the effectiveness of an 8-office nationwide architectural firm. We will dive into how these tools significantly aid design synthesis and how the products of these efforts translate into production models, documents and presentations, while allowing and fostering the iterative process common in architectural practice. We will highlight how multiple workflows improve early design decisions, enable communication amongst design team members and allow for maximum continuity of design intent throughout the process.