Visualize your design in FormIt 360
by FormIt team, 3 November 2015
Today the FormIt team is happy to announce our latest update, with a major focus on visualization! Here's a short (2 minute) video walking through the 4 major enhancements... read on below for more details.
Layers to Control Visibility
Select lines, objects, groups, or images - assign them to a layer... then turn that layer on or off! Simple. Powerful. Necessary. Obviously, this is handy when you want to create a more complicated model, or work with interior spaces. Layers also enable you to create design options in the same file. (TIP: We hooked up an especially handy shortcut to layers as well - select all objects on the layer - selection sets?!)
Save your Scenes
What's the use of Layers without Scenes? or Scenes without Layers? Luckily, you don't have to live in a world where that question matters. Scenes in FormIt let you save your viewpoint, layer state, sun, shadows, and visual styles. Set up shadow studies at major solar milestones! Or generate presentation images from a key perspective as the design evolves! (TIP: Turn down the edge and silhouette contrast for a soft, pencil rendering!)
FormIt 360 Pro Feature: Import Materials from the Autodesk Library
FormIt 360 Pro subscribers now have the robust Autodesk Material Library at their fingertips. Filter, search, and preview the materials available, then import to your FormIt sketch. Apply the material as you normally would - even edit the material's texture, color, transparency... gloss and reflection! Enhance the quality of your design visualizations with an amazing array of options. (TIP: Pro users can import materials on iPad as well!)
FormIt 360 Converter available for Revit 2016
We've been improving our FormIt to Revit conversion with each release, making the translation of level and location data, mass geometry, Revit families, and imported components with categorization. Now you can use our powerful swiss army knife of a Revit Add-in from Revit 2016 as well as Revit 2015! This must be the #1 request from our forums... so thank you all for your patience, we are listening, we have delivered! We've also made many small improvements to Energy Analysis, image import, and performance in general... Learn more and see these features in action at our next FormIt Friday... the 13th! Sign up here