Weather data comes to FormIt
by FormIt team, 23 June 2014
We are happy to announce an exciting update for our iOS client. We continue to invest in leveraging our unique and powerful cloud solutions to building performance analysis tools to FormIt. We started at Autodesk University last year with the Energy Cost Range. Now, we are happy to announce that the same rich weather data that is available in Revit and Vasari is now available in FormIt on iOS. When you access the map interface to set location, you will now see weather stations populate your map! Just tap on a station to view the prevailing wind and annual temperature graphs. The Building Performance Analysis blog has some more detail on what is under the hood. This functionality is coming to the web and Android clients soon. And for all of you Android users out there, we have not forgotten about you! We have a new update almost ready to go. Just a few more bugs to squash first. Stay tuned!