Winter 2018 Update
by FormIt team, 29 January 2018
We launched a new FormIt update today!
Images courtesy of Josh Goldstein
As with other recent updates, we have been listening to YOU, our loyal users, and spending time fixing a lot of bugs and improving workflows. Here are some highlights for all platforms:
Improved performance all around, but specifically with areas such as model navigation and drag face and move
Better support for metric units, including modeling at the millimeter level!
Improved Spline tool - which is no longer limited to a single plane
Added a Flatten Faces tool - useful especially for imported models with slightly non-planar faces
Windows version only
Added support for SketchUp 2018 import
Improved the overall SketchUp import process including better support of materials and components with "Cut Hole" enabled
iOS version only
Added ability to filter selections when using the Lasso tool
Fixed bug which was preventing images from importing
You can install the new Windows update from the Autodesk Desktop App or by manually downloading it from our website. This version number is 16.2. To be double sure, you can check your version in the Info > About menu. As always, the Web version is updated automatically and an update for iOS is already in the App Store. The full release notes can befound here.
Unfortunately, with this release, we have to say goodbye to our Android version. In an effort to streamline the FormIt product offering, we had to make the hard decision to discontinue the Android app. If you have it installed, it will continue to run. However, you will no longer be able to install it from the Play Store as of today. Any files you saved to Autodesk 360 Drive from the Android app are still available. You can access them using any of the current apps, including the free Web version.