Working with Topography
by FormIt team, 5 October 2016
This past Friday, we brought back FormIt Friday webinars after a bit of a summer break. If you missed it, as with all of our webinars, we recorded it (see below.)
We are also going to start posting datasets and material that we cover during the webinars. So here you go!
PDF of slide presentation by Tobias
Revit Topo to SAT: Dynamo script to convert a Revit Toposurface into a SAT so that it can be imported into FormIt
Imported Mesh to Revit Topo: Dynamo script to convert an imported topo mesh (from say, Sketchup via FormIt) into a real Revit toposurface
Update: After testing the "Dynamo Nodes" workflows with OSM and SRTM data (available for free, online) we can add these resources to the list!
Import SRTM data to create Topography in Revit - then use the above 'Revit Topo to SAT' script to convert for FormIt
Import OSM data to create urban context masses in Revit - then Export the masses from Revit as SAT to import to FormIt